How to do Taitung with size
A few days before the trip we checked the forecast and noticed something was off. MSW was showing winds at 50MPH, 16secs interval and 10 foot swell??
We checked Jinzun and Donghe. It wasn't too bad considering the wind had already picked up by the time we got in. A bit crowded but still mellow and fun.
Summer Point Chris Hsiah
The wind picked up the next day. With speeds of up to 50MPH and almost no hope of surf, there was only one place we knew everyone would flock to.
It turned out that a combination of monsoon and typhoon swell came in and made the surf almost perfect conditions.
"I have never seen this place lined up so good, not during this time of the year. This will be an epic day!" quoted Chris Hsiah (Summer Point)
With waves up to overhead and a half, epic conditions and a great crew, this was one for the books.
Mahalo Taiwan!