Twenty Bliss

We caught up with curator Sarah Kohler to find out a little more on the Twenty Bliss collective! Check our the images and article below on how it all came about and whats in store for the future!
I decided to start a blog to collect stories from creatives in their twenties. Actual stories. I was tired of reading bullet pointed lists of excuses and “You know you’re in your twenties when…”. I don’t want to be defining anyone, but rather, let young creatives be heard, inspired and empowered on a creative platform. It can be lonely and scary at times being at this age. I wanted TwentyBliss to be real and relatable.
We should be seeking inspiration, not validation.
I had also been trying to curate a group show with friends where I could show some of my photography. I got turned down by a couple galleries, some confirmed then fell through last minute etc. and it just didn’t work out for some time... Until 2013! I decided to turn TwentyBliss into a series of exhibitions as well. A series of group shows for emerging artists that people could lend their spaces to and not only invest in them, but be a mentor to a community of artists. It gave people more of an incentive to help because it meant they could be a part of something too.
TwentyBliss is definitely a community first and community driven platform and that will always be my priority for it. The internet is inherently very social and I’m going to use it to build something that’s inclusive of the rest of the world.
We just did our first international show in Los Angeles this year and am looking to be in London next year. I hope to be a brand of exhibitions that will be independently curated, where artists and curators from all over the world will be able to apply and host their very own TwentyBliss show. Supporting local artists and curators globally.
Our first two exhibitions were in Hong Kong. We put out an open call for submissions for the second show. For the third show, a curator from LA actually approached me and asked if he could host one over there. I gave him the materials he needed and he just went for it. Finding his own artists and sculpted a show himself under the TwentyBliss name. It was awesome!
what happens at 30?
Yikes. A lot can happen in a year and I’ve got about 6 more years ‘till I’m 30… However, I am true believer of being the person you needed when you were younger and I hope to still be doing the same thing (and preferably full-time! haha). Helping even more young creatives / content creators in even more places and with even more resources!
Sarah Kohler